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SPAD.neXt VoiceAttack plugin

VoiceAttack >= (Beta) required!

  • Quit VoiceAttack
  • In <VoiceAttackInstallDir>\Apps create a directory “SPAD.neXt”
  • Copy “GamePlugins\Voiceattack\snVoiceAttack_plugin.dll” to that Directory

For the plugin to work you will need to enable Apps in VoiceAttack.

VoiceAttack and SPAD.neXt need to run on the same computer.


The plugin will use the variables snSTATUS (“OK” or “ERROR”) to signal if the call was successful.
if snSTATUS is “ERROR” the variable snMESSAGE will contain the error message.

using the boolean-variable snDEBUG you can toggle debug output of the plugin on and off.
using the boolean-variable snVERBOSE you can toggle on or off if the plugin shall log all commands to the console.
(sn-Variables have to be set before the SPAD.neXt plugin is called to become active)

Always set the checkbox at “Wait for plugin function to finish”!

All SPAD.neXt Data accessed from VA must be in the form PROVIDER!Name. In SPAD.neXt the Data will be named PROVIDER:Name. You will have to replace all : by a !

Provider can be one of

  • LOCAL = Local Variables
  • LVAR = a LVAR Variable
  • SIMCONNECT = a Simmconnect Data or Event
  • PMDG737/PMDG747/PMDG777 = a PMDG Special Data Value/Event
  • XPLANE = a XPLANE data or command
  • SYSTEM = a System data or event
  • FSUIPC = a FSUIPC Offset (FSUIPC!0000!0000 Replace all ':' by '!')
  • SCS/IRACING = A ETS2/ATS/iRacing Data


Available “context” values for VoiceAttack:


Retrieve a variable Value from SPAD.neXt.
decimal VariableName to contain the full variable name from SPAD.neXt (e.g. LOCAL!SYSTEM READY). Given in decimalVariables
Important: all : (colon) need to be replaced by ! (exclamation mark) due to a limitation of VoiceAttack

The variable named like the value you queried (e.g. LOCAL!SYSTEM READY) will contain the variable value.
Important: all : (colon) will be replaced by ! (exclamation mark) due to a limitation of VoiceAttack


Set a variable value within SPAD.neXt or raise a simulation event

decimal variableName (e.g. LOCAL!SYSTEM READY) needs to contain the new value
Important: all : (colon) need to be replaced by ! (exclamation mark) due to a limitation of VoiceAttack To raise PMDG Special events see this table.


Execute an event within SPAD.neXt

Following textvariables need to filled and passed to the call:

snDevice must contain the target device (e.g. '06A3:0D06:0' for the first Multi-Panel in system
snSwitch must contain the name of the switch the event shall be executed on (e.g. 'MULTIPANEL_BUTTON_AP' for the Autopilot button
snEvent must contain the name of the event to execute (e.g. 'VALUEON' to emulate a short press )
snParameter must contain the parameter needed by the event , if any

To get an overview of the Devices/Swtches/Events available on you system, in SPAD.neXt navigate to Settings→Application→Expert and press the little gear next to the “Remote Service”-Setting. It will generate a PDF-Document for your system.

You can preview a sample of this document here: devicedocsample.pdf

Demo profile

Source Code

For your reference the source code of the plugin is available at GitHub SPAD.neXt Public Code

manual/gameplugins/voiceattack.1500814426.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/07/23 14:53 by c0nnex